PART 5/2010
Impressum: Susanne Dold | Sommerhuderstr 15 | 22769 Hamburg | Germany


April 30, 2006

The word I was searching for has come back to my mind.
"Hard boiled" = "hard-nosed" says leo, if you are talking about a person. What a nice metaphor.

How stupid can one be to forget a nice design magazine in the german bundesbahn. 14/4/2006, ICE 73, Hamburg - Zuerich. Now I will never get it back. Whoever found it, I hope he enjoyed it. I'd loved to read the article about the music showcases to it's end. And now all is left for me are the little icons on creative review's webpage. Damn.

April 25, 2006

I have new flatmates and my fridge some new friends.

April 22, 2006

It's nice when finding accidently people on the web from former times. Does anyone else remember this stupid class "design studies" at UTS in 2000? And the task to create our own business card? Clemens and Helen Box had to present their work to us from the year before. And now there is this really really nice website with great artwork from Clemens. Respect. And strange if things are making sense now by remembering an email from 2004 from someone writing about the animations of one of the videos on this website. Strange.

Some days ago my answering machine was talking to me:
"Helloooo, Hannaaah, ehm Hanne, this is Wuester, calling from Gran Canariaaaaaaa. You are not at home? How are you? I just wanted to say "Happy birthday to youuuuu, belated". Did you already recieve the small parcel? Ehm, yes, and now tschöööö (byeeeee)."
- Peep -
Next message:
" Hello, Hanne. This is Wuester, from Gran Canariaaaaaaa. I'm calling now the second time! You are never at home. So why don't you just call back?! Bye!"
- Peep -
Dear Wuesters, and all the other wrong dialing people: I'm not Bianca, or Hanne, or Udo. And I don't want to win big prices by pressing number one and I don't want to buy anything else. So please check first your number before annoying poor people.

April 21, 2006

Now I know where to go when Germany is completely going bananas.
To my friends in Switzerland. :)

April 19, 2006

how to use a digital camera. Coming home from a short easter break in Switzerland I found some very interesting blurry pics on my camera. Someone tried to take some shots of our very delicious dessert. But unfortunately it did not work. And one blamed it on the very nice little nikon camera. But I think it's only a questions of competence.

April 12, 2006

We are World Champion Chip.
Or we are football. Or we are a ball. Or are we Klinsmann? Or Lehmann. Or we are lonely Olli Kahn. Or we are a piece of leather. Or our airplanes are only balls? Or we are only going bananas. However. Lufthansa is flying the german football to the world.

April 11, 2006

I don't think I want to see the following movie. Urgh, disgusting little something.

April 10, 2006

My second favourite.

My favourite. A swimming duck in the Biodome of Montreal.