PART 5/2010
Impressum: Susanne Dold | Sommerhuderstr 15 | 22769 Hamburg | Germany


June 29, 2005

I spent a short afternoon in Luebck on Sunday, ate a huge piece of marzipan cake which made me feel very sick and found my rail tariff brochures in a showcase of Luebck's transportation service center. Very nice.

June 23, 2005

I don't know why the Kieler Woche is the only week in the whole year where everything has to take place at the same time. The program for tonight:
1. Gautschen with Juliane (done)
2. The Busters in concert ...
3. Barbeque at the “boys� ...
I'll better hurry up.

I just came back from a little event on the Kieler Woche. Juliane, one of my collegues, was gautsched (couched???). When trainees have finished their training (in the field of printing), they get their certificate and have to get wet in front of some gleeful people. Unfortunately I forgot the camera. But maybee she'll appear on this page here later on. Strange and very funny ...

She's never been to Finnland but it hasn't kept her away from making a show about this very nothern country .
Great show, nice music and a very entertaining program. One of my favourite songs was the danish lullaby for her 5 years old mother, accompanied with three huge music boxes.

June 21, 2005

coming home from an awesome concert by Madsen on the Kieler Woche falling directly asleep. Good night.

June 13, 2005

but it was fun. Susa on the course.

June 07, 2005

The Killers. Finally in my ear, making a good mood and making me very happy.

June 05, 2005

By surfing, don't ask why, I stumbled over the australian ballet and found a St. Kilda based design firm who did the subscription campaign. Usually I'm not a fan of ballet, by the way I felt nearly asleep when seeing "Versunken in Blue" at Kiel's opera house last week, but what I like is how 3deep put together photography and graphic elements. And I wish the theater company here would also choose some more experimantal design agencies for their program campaigns.

I went to a little "design conference" in Hamburg last month which was quite interesting in a way. Three of the agencies presented themselves in a very interesting way and brought some added value with different abstracts from their work to this event. The fourth person seemed to be a little bit unorganized and a little bit confused. I don't know what he did to himself but he was somehow mentally absent ("hm, yeah, usually I shouldn't be here, I should rather spent a great time with my partner at the beach in Spain, and unfortunately I'm not well prepared, because I started writing this speech in my car while driving here, hm,..., ehm,...") The thing is, that this guy has been doing real nice stuff in the past, and I'm astonished how unprofessional he presentetd himself and his whole team. After the event I held a little speach in the agency about this conference and about the work I've seen and what I liked and what I thought was worth telling about it. I think that it is very important not to forget that sometimes you get only a few seconds to make a good impression. It's not only good work that counts it is also your personality and the way you treat your clients. And if I open up the Page(german magazin for design), seeing that they offer a workshop with this guy for only "980 Euros" by teeling me that I will learn how to find new ways of graphic design to change the world, I just can say: Hey, just spent a day outside in the fresh air, take your sketchbook, some pencils and maybee some other stuff you find at home and safe your money for the next adventure.

I hate these little monsters! But there are more of annoying creatures in the world. For more tickling feeling please go there. Uaaah.