PART 5/2010
Impressum: Susanne Dold | Sommerhuderstr 15 | 22769 Hamburg | Germany


December 30, 2007

Walking through the old concrete dugouts from 2nd World War II made me curious if there would be any information about the time when the Germans abused the Atlantic Coast. And I found this really well made webpage about the Atlantic Wall with heaps of well-preserved pictures and informations.

It's pretty nice to have time enough to browse the web for some inspiration after breakfast, as this flickr stream with some great advertising campaigns from all around the world. And now it's time to go for a walk at the beach...

December 28, 2007

Just started the novel by Audrey Niffenegger and figured out that the film is already in post-production and will be released in 2008. I hope they are doing a good job. :)

And I've managed to figure out how to transfer pictures from my mobile to my laptop. Very nice, that Bluetooth thing.

December 27, 2007

... til behandling af infektioner med bakterier, som kan påvirkes af roxithromycin, fx luftvejsinfektioner hos personer, der er overfølsomme over for penicillin, samt til klamydia, visse typer af lungebetændelse, mellemørebetændelse og alvorlige tilfælde af bumser.

Finally finished my book about the loney planet story which was fun to read. It only took a little bit too long (since Easter). But for everyone who's not travelling without her or his lonely planet - this is definitely a nice background history to know about.

December 25, 2007

for the time being/Denmark

December 21, 2007

I huiii huii you are merryhyyyyyyy Christmas hu huiiii huuuuust. I wish you a mery huu huuuu Christams and huhaaahuappy nehuhuuuuuhew year. Cheers!

December 14, 2007

Just arrived back in Hamburg, it's Friday evening again and I had to leave the agency christmas barbeque to catch the train. And now before heading off to a friend, just checking my emails while sitting at my table, Braten, the cat, is occupying my lap and I'm listening to some funny music recommendation from far away Australia. Thanks Ashley, for making my start into the weekend very enjoyable. And the cat? Is sleeping already...

December 12, 2007

Within 1 1/2 week execution time the new webpage of the institute of the forest in Schleswig-Holstein went online, today. And I think we've been pretty fast while also doing some other jobs and being on holidays for 5 days. :)))))

December 06, 2007

today, 11 am the telephone rang...
Me: Hallo, bei Dold...
Deep Voice: Yo, do isch der Samiclaus... ich chume ja huet am Abig....
Me: Ehm... ehm?...

December 03, 2007

Samichlaus, wo chonsch du här?
Siebehundert Stund wiit här!
Samichlaus, isch sSeckli schwär?
Siebehundert Pfund ischs schwär!
Samichlaus, machs weidli läär!
Denn isch sSeckli nümme schwär!

>>> Samichlaus, I'm coming.