PART 5/2010
Impressum: Susanne Dold | Sommerhuderstr 15 | 22769 Hamburg | Germany


August 30, 2005

they do!!!

August 29, 2005

still mixing.

August 28, 2005

By flipping through the web, I got stuck at a very bizarre but very awesome interactive story by Han Hoogerbrugge.
Hotel is a 10-part interactive animation in the anonymous space of an extraordinary and strange hotel. Unfortunately I can't visit the exhibition of dLux media arts, one of Australia's premiere annual digital art event, at Sydney Opera House Exhibition Hall, from 10 August 2005 - 4 September 2005. But as long as I can see some of the work via the world wide web, I am at least a little bit satisfied for today.

August 27, 2005

Last week I saw a very nice spot somewhere in Scotland on a photo and I thought by myself, life is just too short to stay at home all the time. And I had to think of all these nice spots I've already seen. Especially this place here. And I wish summer would come back so that I could at least spent one night at the beach this year.

August 22, 2005

Sometimes it feels like a long sleep for hours, days, months or years.
Especially if your figure out something which is already happening for a while and nearly over now.
Yesterday I visited my old university and found a very interesting project. Two design students are on the road for their final project (walz 3000), visiting some of the leading design and advertising agencies all over Europe. Clever, very clever. I wish it was my idea. :) But why it took them too Kiel I'm still wondering about...

August 04, 2005

Not that I want to marry but while searching for another picture I stumbled over old pictures from my holidays two years ago. I thought I should give this special moment some extra space here. The happy couple bumped into a group of male swimmers while taking wedding pictures at Manly. In one hand Fosters, and in the other hand flowers. I'd like to know if the marriage worked out and if they are still happy together and what did the swimmers think... ;)

August 03, 2005

This day started and ended with bad news. There's a german saying: The cards have to be mixed up again. But I don't want these specific things to be mixed up. I'd wish that some things should have stayed the same at the same place! I'd rather prefer to mix others things. Unfortunately this time it is not in my hands.
But next time! I promise.

August 02, 2005

these guys here.

Finally! Playing the piano without annyoing my neighbours after years of abstinence.