PART 5/2010
Impressum: Susanne Dold | Sommerhuderstr 15 | 22769 Hamburg | Germany


December 22, 2005

December 13, 2005

This is where Paduapatschu comes into play. Because when he was still alive he used to tell Patschukatschu: "Whenever you are in the mountains and you see a big round rock then dig a whole." This is what Patschukatschu did.

December 08, 2005

First he didn't know what to do but then he decided to dig a hole.

One day Patschukatschu was very bored about his life and his mother. He didn't want to listen at all. So he went over the mountains. And what he saw was a very big stone.

Patschukatschu also has a family. His mother Matschokatschu and his father Fatschikatschu. While his father is the less active person his mother always tells him what to do. "Don't go over the mountains she always says. It's not good over there." And most of the time Patschukatschu listens to his mother's words.

Finally its's online. The new webpage of nah-sh!

December 05, 2005

is travelling to Australia in December. Instead of me. And I am very jealous. But unfortunately I'm not that small and able to transform Australian electricity into European electricity. I'm very sad. I think it is pretty unfair that event adapters would easily get a permanent working visa instead of poor talented artdirectors. Bastards.

look the second candle brennt.
And now in swiss german:
Mer sitze z'samme und fiere Advent, lueget die zwoiti chörze broennt.
Or something like that.

new prospectives.