PART 5/2010
Impressum: Susanne Dold | Sommerhuderstr 15 | 22769 Hamburg | Germany


June 29, 2006

Something has made the agency very very happy today. And now Germany only needs to win the World Champion Ship.

June 26, 2006

Kiel, Brasil.

Ole oleeeeeee oleeeee oleeeee.

June 23, 2006


June 22, 2006

some things are making no sense. Somehow.

... but this ad is just great.
Made by an australian advertising company: George Patterson Y&R.

June 19, 2006


June 04, 2006

Yesterday I went to Media Markt to buy some new cartridges for my printer. I ended up with two new CDs and the cartridges.
One is the new release of Torun Eriksen which I really had to buy anyway. The other one is my newest discovery. Kari Bremnes - bad website but beautiful cd cover with illustrations of Liv Andrea Mosdøl and very nice and quiet music. I'm glad that someone had the great idea to translate the norwegian copy into german.