September 09, 2005
In the air again...
I like when things are moving on, although somtimes it feels like only being in a rush. I can't hardly believe that I'm going to sit in an airplane in about two days. I'm really looking forward to it. The best sentence last week was coming from someoneelse "Hey, that's just great. Finally 6 hours of just doing nothing". Hm, I'm curious if everything will work out. This is going to be a very packed week at two places of my favourite client in good old america. But until sunday evening it just means working until eveything's ready, suitcase still needs to be packed, cleaning my little dirty flat, washing some clothes, and... I just don't know. And by the way, if I should not come back it's just because someone did not organized my return flight. And if someone should start missing me then please search in the following area. :)
If the organization failed, please take a cab back. You are needed here.
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